Assistant Professor Department of Communication Studies


Critical rhetoric, cultural studies, globalization, modernity, transnationalism


Hasian, M.A., J.A. Maldonado & S.M. Muller. (2017). Democratic Dissent and the Politics of Rescue during the 21st Century’s “Inhospitable” EU Migration “Crisis.” Javnost-The Public: Journal of the European Institute for Communication and Culture 24(3), 251-266. Hasian, M.A., J.A. Maldonado & K.A. Ono. (2015). Thanatourism, Caminata Nocturna, and the Complex Geopolitics of Mexico’s Parque EcoAlberto. Southern Communication Journal, 80 (4), 311-330.

José Ángel Maldonado on the Department of Communication Studies website