Internship Spotlight: Kate Wandsnider

July 20, 2024

Kate Wandsnider

Major: Global studies
Minors: Arabic studies, Human rights and humanitarian affairs

Organization where the internship is located
Washington International Trade Association (WITA)

How did you find out about it?
Emira Ibrahimpasic emailed me about. They also partner with the Yeutter Institute, so I found out through them.

Name of the internship and duties
Summer Intern.

  • Send out thank you notes to recent renewal/new members
  • Answer and return phone calls and check voicemail
  • Monitor event registrations
  • Answer all emails
  • Sort mail and make deposits
  • Perform other office tasks (creating Word Docs and simple spreadsheets, etc.)
  • Find daily trade news, post tweets, update the website

In addition to these duties, I will also be assisting in the organization of WITA’s annual fundraising event known as the “Annual Dinner” or “Trade Prom”. This includes a variety of
tasks such as communicating with sponsors, staying up to date with invitations, and being on the lookout for innovative ideas to bring to the event.

How have you benefitted from the internship?
This is the most beneficial opportunity I have ever taken advantage of. Being in the D.C. area has provided me with so many chances to network with professionals, and has also given me newfound motivation. I have also improved with my ability to communicate effectively with the people in my office. I didn't come into the internship with a plethora of background knowledge in international trade, but I can attend informative webinars and do daily research about current trade developments that have bolstered my ability to talk about and understand the trade community.

Other comments
I have been so impressed with my professional development throughout my time here. Even if you don't have a background in international trade I would recommend checking out this organization.