September 27, 2023

Miranda Ritchie

Majors: Anthropology and Global Studies

Minors: History, Math, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, Spanish

Hometown: Omaha, NE

Year: Senior graduating in May 24'

Favorite book and why?
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe because it is so complicated. I love that it makes the reader think. The characters are so complex and even though the cultural context is different than our society, the human emotions and struggles are universally understandable.

Favorite movie and why?
The Princess Bride because it is a classic and spans across multiple genres.

Why Anthropology and Global Studies?
I was first introduced to anthropology when I read a book in high school for a world history class about the history of HIV/AIDS and the cultural reasons for its existence. One of the authors was a medical anthropologist and I was fascinated by how cultural practices could change the spread of disease. I added Global Studies to my majors my freshman year because I love learning about people through all perspectives. I like how Global Studies allows you to explore and compare politics, economics, cultures, languages, and more. Specifically, I find the human rights perspective to be fascinating, so that is why I chose this minor.

Favorite Classes:
I absolutely loved Dr. Reilly’s GLST 350: Refugees, Displaced Persons, and (Im)migrants in a Globalized World and Dr. Livingston’s Global Health. These classes helped me realize I want to work with migrants and within the public health field. I think these classes are unique and would broaden anyone’s perspective.

Extracurricular Experiences:
I studied abroad in Bilbao, Spain for 5 weeks during the summer of 2022. I learned about Spanish culture and politics while practicing my Spanish skills. The program helped me grow as a student, a global citizen, and more. Last spring, I volunteered at Lincoln Literacy for internship credit. I taught English classes three times a week to primarily immigrants and refugees. I loved connecting with my students and helping them strengthen their English skills and understanding of American cultural practices. I decided to volunteer at Lincoln Literacy after I participated in the PIESL Conversation Partner Program. I helped an international student learn English conversation skills and about life in Lincoln. I love helping diverse groups of people in small but meaningful ways, which PIESL and Lincoln Literacy have provided. Finally, this past summer, I had an internship at the Susan Thompson Buffet Foundation where I worked with a small team of researchers. This internship was extremely technical as we worked within the public health field. All of my experiences have centered around helping people in a wide variety of ways. I would highly recommend studying abroad or volunteering at Lincoln Literacy to anyone because it helps you learn more about the world.

Post-Graduation Plans:
After I graduate, I want to get my master’s in public health. I do not know where I want to study but I want to focus on community health, health communication, migrants and refugees, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and health equity.